Orono Police Bust Illegal Marijuana Operation
Orono Marijuana Selling Operation
Orono Police say several people who were employees of an illegal marijuana operation will be facing charges.
According to a post on the Department's Facebook page, Orono Police and a State of Maine official conducted a warranted search of the business on October 30th. During that search, approximately 10 pounds of marijuana were seized, along with several hundred potentially fraudulent medical marijuana card applications. Also confiscated were hundreds of marijuana edibles, marijuana dabs, and THC vape cartridges. Police say employees of the business are cooperating with the investigation and charges are forthcoming.
Police remind anyone interested in operating a pot business that, while it's legal in the state, there are still laws and rules that have to be followed. The responsibility falls on the individual to be in compliance with Maine laws, rules, and municipal ordinances.
At this time, Orono still has a moratorium in effect, banning all medical and recreational marijuana businesses.