NASA Will Soon Be Using A Satellite Built Right Here In Maine
Just a couple of weeks ago, I was writing about how Maine could become a launch site for small rockets. A proper site just had to be chosen. But I also noted that satellites were also going to be built right here in state as well. Well, sooner than later, NASA is going to launch one of these satellites.
NASA took proposals from all over the country, and Maine has been one of the ones chosen to participate in the program called the CubeSat Launch Initiative. In a nutshell, NASA will launch this small satellite into space, that's built by the University of Maine, and the data gathered will be used for research projects in Maine schools.
Yarmouth High School, Fryeberg Academy, and Saco Middle School will be participating in the project as well. UMaine Graduate students, as well as USM undergrads will be building the tiny satellite, which will only be about the size of a loaf of bread. With all the grant money they've been awarded, they have over half a million dollars to get started.
Folks at Umaine then chose the different schools to be a part of it, based on the research they all proposed. In this case, all three were related to environmental concerns. Each school has a unique project they'll work on, and share that data with UMaine and beyond, according to WGME - TV13.
It will still take some time. It could be up to three years before the rocket is launched, but that's no problem. Sometimes science takes a minute, and shouldn't be rushed. But the fact that Maine is a place being considered to be part of such amazing technological advances is awesome. Go Maine!!!
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