Windsor Daycare Owner Charged after Child Found Unresponsive
DHHS is investigating the circumstances at a Windsor daycare facility that led to a 19-month-old child suffering injuries while sleeping.
It's every parent's nightmare, when a child is seriously injured while in the care of people you trusted. Raegan Blagdon was a happy, healthy 20-month-old child when she was dropped off at Little Beans Daycare one day in March. But when her family was called, a few hours later, she was in bad shape: unable to walk; talk; or even see.
The Windsor daycare is closed and its owner, 24-year-old Savannah Brann of Windsor, has been charged with aggravated assault, assault on a child younger than 6, and endangering the welfare of a child. The Kennebec County Sheriff's Office say Raegan Blagdon was found unresponsive after a nap at the at-home daycare facility. Brann told police she put the child down for a nap at noon, and found her snoring at 2:00. When Raegan hadn't awakened by 2:43, Brann checked on her again and found her lying facedown, with her head partially under a pillow.
A child abuse pediatrician says it appears that Raegan was wrapped in a blanket, in such a way that it prevented her from freeing her arms. When she rolled into her bedding, it appears she was unable to push herself away, in order to breathe normally. The lack of oxygen has caused her multiple injuries, including seizures for which she now takes medication.
Raegan's grandmother told the Kennebec Journal that her granddaughter is making progress, but it's slow-going. A GoFundMe page has been set up, to help the family with hospital expenses.
Brann's attorney says his client is innocent of the charges.
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