When To File Your Maine and Federal Income Tax Returns
Maine Revenue Service has announced the first and last dates of this year's income tax filing season.
What's that old saying? 'Nothing in life is certain, except death and taxes?' While we don't know when we'll die, it's important to know when those taxes need to be filed. Missing the deadline will cost more, as the penalties and fees pile up.
Maine Revenue announced this week that its filing season will begin on the same day as the Internal Revenue Service, on January 28th, 2019. There are several ways to file tax returns in Maine, including via the FastFile (I-File) application, Maine Revenue's free filing service, which will be available in early February. Tax forms are available on the Maine Revenue Service website, along with answers to many tax-related questions. The filing deadline this year is April 17th. MRS expects to start issuing refunds in mid-February, 2019.
Maine Revenue officials are warning residents to be cautious during tax season, and avoid falling for scams that may target taxpayers by email, phone, and online. Anyone who thinks they're a victim of identity theft, or any company that believes they've experienced a breach, can contact Maine Revenue Service at (207) 626-8475 or email fraudalert.mrs@maine.gov, as soon as possible.