This Year, You’ll Be Able To Hunt And Fish On The Same Weekend
Thanks to some legislation pushed through super quick, Gov. Mills signed the "Cast and Blast" law. In short, this means that the upland game season has been moved up to the last weekend in September. Which will now enable folks to hunt and fish at the same time on this one weekend, according to the BDN. This is great news for hunting camps, and guides.
Since it was pushed through as "emergency legislation", it will allow rules to be drafted now, and hunters and anglers will be able to take advantage of the new law this fall. So now, not only can you hunt for snowshoe hare, gray squirrel, ruffed grouse and bobwhite quail, you can also spend the evening fishing out nearby waters.
I would imagine the hunters and fisherpersons of Maine will rejoice at this news. It opens up tons of new opportunities. For instance, I'm not a big hunter. I have zero problem with it, but I'm much more of a fisherman. How cool would it be to go on a trip with my hunting friends, and we call all do our thing. And think of the meals!! Fish and game?! Sign me up!
So get ready folks, this is a done deal. We'll all be at it this fall.