Stephen King’s House May Undergo Some Cool Changes
Pending some approval from the city of Bangor, Stephen King and his wife Tabitha are looking to do some cool things with their house on West Broadway. They want to use it to not only house his archive of work, press, manuscripts, video, interviews, etc., and to also become a writer's retreat, according to the BDN.
The zoning change from the city would turn his house from a private residence, to one that is legally able to house a non-profit. In addition to the writer's retreat and archive, the Kings would also make the house the office for their charitable organization. the offices are currently on outer Hammond Street.
Us locals that live around here know that he and his wife spend very little time there in recent years. But at the same time, most folks would agree that the house is also a tourist landmark for the city of Bangor. And this new proposal to use the property, is something that the Kings have wanted for a long time.
It's still quite a ways off ,as it has to go before the city council, then the planning board, etc. So it could still be a while before any of this starts to happen. And even then, the changes will not come all at once. They will likely happen gradually over several years.
But what a great way to keep the home part of Bangor's spirit, and at the same time, have the property be a bit more lived in than it currently is. A home needs people. Even if the people in it write stories that scare the bejeezus out of people on a regular basis.
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