New Business: Car Wash Coming to Stillwater Avenue [UPDATE]
In February this year, the City of Bangor Planning Board approved the development of an approximate 5,200-square-foot single-story tunnel-style car wash.
Here is where you'll find the new car wash:
Last we reached out to the company that operates Shammy's Car Wash, months ago, they responded that they were on target for the building.
Spotted Yesterday Afternoon
What's new? Look beyond the sign. It might be. It could be. It looks like it will be construction beginning very soon.
If you are someone who watches new buildings and businesses pop up around Bangor, and thinks, "That's an interesting idea," did you ever in your mind picture a car wash right there just past Slipping Gears at the entry off Stillwater Avenue into the Bangor Mall?
A new car wash with the entrance to the car wash on Stillwater Avenue. But don’t worry, there is not supposed to be a backup of traffic entering the carwash off of Stillwater Avenue. Precautions have been included so that does not occur.
That's not your Daddy's Vovlo. Or maybe it is. Dig baby dig. Sure looks like Shammy's Car Wash is coming to Stillwater Avenue, outside Bangor Mall and sooner rather than later.