Maine To Open Call Center For Medicaid Expansion
A temporary call center in Wilton will open next month to help Mainers sign up for Medicaid expansion.
The plan is to open the temporary call center at the Wilton location of Barclays US. The credit card company plans to close its doors on March 31st, which will eliminate more than 200 remaining jobs. According to the Portland Press Herald, the state plans to spend nearly a million dollars to hire 45 people to staff a temporary call center. Governor Janet Mills has implemented the voter-approved expansion and says that nearly 8,800 people have enrolled since she took office.
A job fair is planned for Thursday, March 7th at the Barclays facility in Wilton for the call center, that is intended to operate for six months. Training for the positions will begin on April 1st at the Career Center in Wilton.