Sagadahoc Deputy Rescued an Old Dog Found Half-Frozen in a Ditch
It was a happy ending for an elderly dog who got stuck in a ditch on a frigid night, thanks to the excellent care of three people.
Where Was the Dog Found?
So many facets of this story tugged at my heart. First, of course, is the fact that this dog could have very likely perished if not for the caring of a law enforcement officer. And then there's the elderly owner waiting at home for her canine best friend who never came. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's the story.
Early Saturday morning, just before 5:30, the Sagadahoc Communications Center learned of a dog that was laying in the road in the area of 353 Arrowsic Road, in the town of Arrowsic. Sagadahoc County Sheriff's Deputy Mark Anderson went to the location but couldn't find the dog, at first. He got out of his cruiser and began searching on foot. That's when he found Gabby.
The elderly dog was laying in a ditch, whimpering. Anderson said she looked very cold, almost frozen to death, and he noticed claw marks where she had tried to climb out before her paws got too cold. He approached Gabby, who was holding her paw up and whimpering heavily. Temperatures Friday night had dipped down into the single numbers, so it had been a miserable night for the pooch.
Where Did the Deputy Take the Dog?
Deputy Anderson picked her up and carried her to his cruiser, where he cranked the heat as he took her to the dispatch center in Bath. There, Gabby became the center of attention for all the on-duty dispatchers, who bundled her up in blankets and used a portable heater to warm her up. Communications Specialists Shaun and Dori fixed her a plate of food and, once she started to rally, they placed it in front of Gabby, who gobbled it right up.
Did They Find Her Owner?
Now that she was safe, it was time to find her owner. Anderson made up some lost dog fliers and went back to the area where he found the dog, knocked on doors, and asked if anyone recognized her. That led him to the elderly woman who had let Gabby out to pee at around 9:00 Friday evening. When the dog didn't come home, her owner stayed up all night waiting for her. We're sure it was a tearful reunion when Gabby finally walked in the door.
Thanks to Deputy Anderson, Shaun, and Dori for caring so much about this sweet dog. Happy endings are the best.