Finally! Bangor Is Going To Add Some Sidewalks On Hogan Road.
Granted, 99% of the time, I drive a car. Unless I'm at a place where I choose to get out and do some walking, the old Shoe Leather Express is not my preferred mode of transportation. So if I do choose to walk, it's typically in an area designed for walking. I love to walk on the Bangor waterfront, or that sweet new path in Brewer, or the Bangor City Forest.
But as driver, I'm often afraid for the safety of folks who have to do any amount of walking out by the Bangor Mall area. Especially in winter. Without any sidewalks, folks have to walk right in the road. When the roads are already pushed in further than normal because of the snow, it makes walking downright dangerous.
Well, it sounds like that is soon to change! WFVX - TV22 reported that the city will receive some grant money to install some sidewalks. This past week, Bangor was given a grant by the Maine DOT in the sum of $376,000 to get the project underway. The city will also contribute $75,000 of it's own to go along with the cash from the DOT.
No word was given when the work will actually begin, but summer is on the way... And what would summer be without an awesome construction project? But as far as pedestrian safety goes, this is great news for everybody!
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