Driver Survives, Dogs Perish When Car Rolls Off Sebago Ferry
The driver survived, but his dogs were killed, when his car rolled off the Frye Island Ferry Monday night.
It was just after 8:00 when 64-year-old Dennis Feeney drove his white Mercedes onto the ferry and stopped. Regulations require that the driver stay in the vehicle during the ride, so Feeney was in the car with his two dogs when it rolled off the edge of the boat and into the water. Police told Newscentermaine that Feeney failed to put the car into park, causing it to roll.
The Westbrook man was able to get out of the vehicle and swim to the surface but his dogs perished in the accident. He was reportedly taken to the hospital to be evaluated. Crews will work today to remove the car from Sebago Lake.
Monday was the last day, this season, that the Frye Island Ferry was making the trip between the island and the mainland.