Cars, Cars and More Cars at Bangor Mall Tonight
Pine State Automotive Enthusiasts Bangor Car Meets is tonight from 6 PM to 8 PM at Bangor Mall where Sears Automotive used to be located. Enter by the Staples store location, and you’ll see the cars. If you just got GPS and need to use it to find the location, first welcome to town. It is 160 Bangor Mall Boulevard.
It’s free to attend and there is no registration to deal with. And it is a totally family-friendly event. Just show up, and start gawking... And prepare to meet members of the growing community of automobile enthusiasts. They’ll be gazing too.
Ty Taylor of Pinestate Automotive Enthusiasts says
“Every meet we are making new connections and friends while spreading our style of car meets. I am excited to see what tonight’s event brings and am looking forward to meeting even more fellow enthusiasts and sharing our passion for all things automotive.”
Hats off to Ty Taylor who organizes Bangor Car Meets for not only taking care of all the details of hosting a car show but proving he is a "good guy." Every Car Meet his group has hosted, they have selected an area charity and given all the car enthusiasts a chance to give back to the community. Cash. Food for the homeless shelter. Items that Bangor Humane Society always needs, and others too. That’ll happen again at the next Bangor Car Meets planned for a Saturday night. Details soon.
Tonight enjoy the autos and the other people who are doing the same thing. All part of the community.