Bangor, Maine News Update: September 14, 2017
Social media lit up yesterday with speculation about why the Bangor Walmart’s parking lot was blocked off by police. A media release later in the day revealed that someone had called the police department at around 7:30 Wednesday morning, threatening to detonate a bomb outside the store. Investigators scanned the parking lot and then did a quick search of the store before opening it to customers.
Hospice of Eastern Maine is offering its volunteer training course for people interested in learning more about offering support to men and women with terminal illnesses. Hospice volunteers act as companions for people nearing the end of their lives and give much-needed breaks to caregivers. For more information about the training that starts on October 9th, log onto VNA Home health dot org.
With large retail chains moving out of the area lately, it was good news this week when Target announced it will hire 30 thousand more seasonal workers for upcoming holiday shopping season nationwide than it hired last year. A hiring event will be held from October 13th to the 15th, when job seekers can just show up at any of the 5 Maine locations and apply for jobs between 10 am and 6 pm, possibly being offered jobs on the spot.
The Maine Office of Tourism says the fall foliage season officially began on Wednesday with the lack of rain causing spotty color change in the woods so far, and slightly more color in the north. Experts say if the weather stays warm, peak season will hit in early to mid October, but if it cools off, it could be delayed til later in the month.