Bangor, Maine News Update: October 18, 2018
Bangor Police say the man shot Tuesday afternoon by Officer Dylan Hall is 40-year-old Brian Barker. He’s said to be in good condition and is charged with domestic violence terrorizing. Police say they were called to a domestic disturbance on Grove Street when Barker allegedly threatened them with a knife.
A Maine psychiatric hospital that has been under intense scrutiny for months has now been deemed in substantial compliance for participation with Medicare. The state says Riverview Psychiatric hospital in Augusta has made significant improvements and is in good working order.
Forestry officials say they’ve been receiving complaints about swarms of bothersome bugs, but say they’re not dangerous to humans or pets. The red and black boxelder bug, that feeds on leaves, flowers, and seed pods of boxelder and other maple trees, gather in large numbers in the fall to try and gain entry into buildings.
A group of people showed their support yesterday for removing the stigma often associated with substance use disorder by jumping off the top of the Cross Insurance Center. Actually, they rappelled down, using ropes and pulleys, as a representation of repelling the stigma. Most of the money raised by the event will help fund PCHC’s recovery programs.
A walk on the Bangor waterfront this Saturday will help raise funds and awareness of a horrible disease. The Walk to end Alzheimer’s will kick off at 9:30, with the proceeds to benefit the care and support of patients and fund research. Folks can find out more and get signed up at ALZ dot org.
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