Bangor, Maine News Update: June 13, 2019
A man accused of robbing two Bangor banks within a week has pleaded guilty. Police say Timothy Myers robbed the TD Bank branch on Stillwater Avenue in December and Key Bank on Bangor Mall Boulevard five days later. Surveillance video in the first robbery gave police a clear image of Myers, who was already on probation for forgery and theft.
Governor Janet Mills signed legislation this week, making Maine the 8th state to legalize medically assisted suicide, despite her own uncertainty about the measure. The bill would allow doctors to prescribe a fatal dose of medication to terminally ill patients. Supporters say those patients should be able to choose a peaceful end while opponents say it puts them in grave danger.
The American Red Cross has launched its Missing Types Campaign to raise awareness that there's often not enough type A, B, and O blood to meet all the need. In addition, summer always sees a drop in donations. Find more information about local blood drives on the American Red Cross website.
Music promoter Alex Gray has returned to his hometown of Old Town to start a new business. The Waterfront Concert owner has purchased two buildings on Main Street, with the intention of opening a restaurant, with a possible nightclub on the second floor, and is considering opening a small music venue next door.
A huge yard sale is planned for Saturday, June 29th at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Ellsworth. Over 100 families will contribute items from clothing to tools, furniture and books, that will be sold from 8 to 2 at the church on the Bucksport Road. The yard sale is a fundraiser for the UUCE’s many community programs.