The Mills' Administration announced this week $2.7 million dollars in funding that will support and improve Pre-K programs around the state.

Where is the Money Coming From?

The grant money is the first of two rounds of funding from the Governor's Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan, which aims to improve accessibility to Pre-K programs statewide and to establish programs where there currently are none. The second round of grants, totaling $6.3 million will be awarded later this year for programs that will begin in the fall of 2023. Governor Mills calls it a 'major priority' for her administration.

Pre-K better prepares children for success in school while also helping parents better balance the everyday demands of child care and their jobs - it's a win-win. I am pleased to award these funds through the Department of Education, and we will continue to work hard to make Pre-K more available and more accessible.

Who Will Receive the Funds and How Much Will Each District Get?

School districts receiving funds to establish new pre-K programs include:

  • Appleton Public Schools - $160,000
  • Greenville School Department - $114,321
  • Kittery School Department - $514, 481
  • St. George School Department - $37,159
  • Yarmouth School Department - $181,300

Expanding their existing pre-K programs are:

  • Bangor School Department - $74,928
  • Limestone School Department - $87,968
  • MSAD #49 (Fairfield, Benton, Clinton, Albion) - $266,905
  • MSAD #54 (Skowhegan, Smithfield, Norridgewock, Mercer, Cornville, Canaan) - $122,261
  • RSU #22 (Hampden, Newburgh, Winterport, Frankfort) - $238,663
  • RSU #39 (Caribou) - $98,516
  • St. George School Department - $37,159
  • Sanford School Department - $321,500
  • Vassalboro School Department - $171,771

And finally, funds to the following schools will be used to reestablish programs:

  • RSU #24 (Eastbrook, Franklin, Gouldsboro, Mariaville, Steuben, Sorrento, Sullivan, Waltham, Winter Harbor) - $246,438
  • Yarmouth School Department - $181,300

How Will the Funds Be Distributed?

These funds will be awarded through the Maine Department of Education as preliminary grants, subject to change pending school budget discussions.

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