It's one of those sitcom stereotypes, right? Insurance companies and their agents are always portrayed as being very serious. Stoic. Totally lacking in any sort of humor. But one huge Maine insurance provider sent out a press release today that proves that theory wrong. Full-body protective suits for Maine workers? Really?

MEMIC is the state's largest workers' comp provider so they deal with a lot of people. Their employees must have a tough job, dealing with employers who don't want to cover an employee's injury, and the worker who feels they've been wronged. So who could blame them if they lacked any sort of mirth?

But today, on April 1st, MEMIC sent out a press release to media outlets, revealing their new safety plan. Steel-toed boots and safety goggles are not enough, it said.What you need is all-over protection.

"MEMIC is encouraging its own employees and the employees of all its policyholders to wear the Auto-Protective Reinforced Injury-Limiting Full Occupational Orthopedic Lumbar Shell, or A.P.R.I.L.F.O.O.L.S. As the leading and largest workers’ compensation insurer in Maine, MEMIC’s support of this new Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) technology is bound to have a big impact. It doesn’t matter if you are an office worker or a construction worker, we’ve got you covered. You want flame retardant? These babies are dragon-proof,” says Dahead as he makes a fist with his engraved gauntlet. "

Wow! Can't wait til I get mine!

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