US Army Says Texts Claiming People Are Being Drafted Are Fake
Like every good young American male, when I turned 18, I marched right down to the post office and registered with the selective service. At the time, our country wasn't involved in any real conflict. The first Gulf War was over, and we were several years out from 9/11, so America was pretty chill.
Even at that point in the early 90's, there hadn't been any kind of draft in 20 years. So I never really thought twice about it. But someone, looking to sow discontent and cause anxiety, has been sending out alerts telling folks they're being drafted, and to get in touch with their local recruiter immediately, according to WABI - TV5.
The Army even put out a post on their Facebook to try and get info out about the issue. This is what the post said:
The Selective Service System is conducting business as usual. In the event that a national emergency necessitates a draft, Congress and the President would need to pass official legislation to authorize a draft.
As you can see, there is no situation that calls for that kind of action. And I don't mean it as a judgement about the military. If you feel the call of battle within you and want to defend your country, I support you 110%. Yet, I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to be drafted right at this moment either.
I'm not sure right now if anyone local has received this message, but at least if you do, you know it's fake. And as G.I. Joe always used to say...knowing is half the battle!