Q106.5 Talks Wiffle Ball
I've been livin' the dream all my life. I'm so happy and blessed to be able to do what I do for a living. And I love meeting people who have done radio too.
This morning on the Q106.5 Morning Show, former Q106.5 all night sensation, Ken Clark visited, so naturally we talked a little bit about his days as a Q dee jay.
But the main reason for his visit was to get the word out about an upcoming Wiffle Ball Tournament to benefit Orrington Recreation. It's Saturday the 22nd, all day, at Orrington's Center Drive School Fields. If you want to enter a team, go to orringtonrec.org Price is only $45 for youth teams, and $65 for ages 16 and up teams. And the money benefits Orrington Rec
It could be, It might be, It IS a home run!