New Locations For The Bangor Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program
We wanted to make sure you know how to find the Salvation Army of Bangor's Angel Tree program, that isn't located in Bangor Mall this season.
Operating the Salvation Army's Angel Tree became challenging at Bangor Mall once Toys R Us closed. It just makes sense to operate a program that's collecting Christmas gifts for kids in a location that's close to a toy store. And, with the exit of Toys R Us, there are no toy stores in the immediate Bangor Mall area.
So this year, the program has set up two trees, in the Bangor and Brewer Walmarts. The trees and tables full of Angel cards are located near customer service in both stores. Each of those cards contains the name and age of a child and suggestions for their most-hoped-for gifts. In some cases, it could be a toy, but some of these kids want warm gloves or new jeans. Folks are encouraged to stop by the table and look over the cards and, if the giving mood strikes, pick up one or more cards, sign them out, buy the gift(s), and return them to the table, unwrapped. The Salvation Army staff needs the gifts back by December 20th in order to deliver them to the parents, so they can wrap up the gifts and place them under the tree.
It's a wonderful way to teach the spirit of giving to your children, by letting them be a part of the process, from picking out the card to buying and delivering the gift to the Angel Tree table. Plus, participating can be a great bonding experience for coworkers, who can pick out a variety of cards, or 'Adopt a Family,' which includes gifts for all members of a family, including Mom and Dad. Our office has done that before and it's fun to gather the presents and know that we helped make one family's Christmas a little brighter.
Finally, the Salvation Army is still looking for businesses willing to Host an Angel Tree. Find more information on the Salvation Army Bangor Citadel Corp's Facebook page.
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