Maine Man with Cancer Creates Toothpaste To Fund Research
I’ve been given this gift, this life, and not to use it, it would be very sad," Hewison said. "I don’t think 'oh my god I’ve got cancer what am I going to do?' Forget it. You can do a lot.
Here is what he did, and is doing
Toothpaste and mouthwash. And the profits go to cancer research.
Amazing story. When in life you are handed a lemon, make lemonade.
The toothpaste comes in two flavors and the mouth wash is mint and is available on their website and at 7 stores mostly in Southern Maine, but hopefully coming to more stores around Maine.
Wonderful way to deal with this news from the doc.
And it doesn't end there.
The hope is to keep growing the idea and not just sell in Maine stores but in stores all over the country.
The group aspires to be like Newman's Own.
Believe donates 100% of the profits to charity.
The funds will go to Maine Cancer Foundation, the American Cancer Society and St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. They may add additional charities to that roster in the future.
Last word from Andy
What I'd like to see eventually is that we’re raising enough money to do independent non-pharma research on cancer.