Forget Today’s Costumes, Halloween Was Way Creepier 80 Years Ago
Halloween really brings out people's creative side.
Until a few years ago, I lived in a neighborhood in Bangor that got destroyed by trick-or-treaters every year. One year we had something like 500 kids come to our house. I know people in other places around Bangor get more than 1,000! And, in all that madness, there was certainly every kind of costume imaginable.
There were homemade ones, store-bought ones, even combinations of both. Everything from pirates to Pokemon, vampires to umpires. You name it. And some that were pretty scary in their own way. Especially the homemade ones that the kids really took their time on. Great makeup, things like that.
Almost 100 years ago, creative looked terrifying AF.
But if you watch this video, and see what kids were doing for Halloween a century ago, I can pretty much guarantee you're gonna sleep with the light on tonight. They're just awful. And I don't mean low quality. I mean, they're just so grotesque and nauseating. They look like something you'd see in a movie that's not supposed to even exist. Like if Blair Witch were real.
Seriously, look at these...
No zombie, or Joker, or Pennywise can even come close to these little terror suits. When your best costume option is a burlap sack with some eye holes cut in it, it just makes you look like a Psychotic scythe-slinging serial killer. And, the movies have taught me time and again, that you never wanna see what's under the mask.
Go ahead then, dress your kid up in some "safe" costume that everyone will think is just cute as the dickens. Make them a little mini Dwight Schrute. Or, live on the edge, and try out one of those paper mache/straw masks that make your kid look like a devil wizard. If you did it right, you probably won't get invited to the neighbors BBQ next summer. Good luck!