Dover-Foxcroft Celebrates 100 Years This Summer
Lots going on in Dover-Foxcroft
This summer is the 100th anniversary of the two towns, Dover and Foxcroft uniting as one. There will be an event to celebrate that happening on August 6.
It will include a parade, a street festival and fireworks. Plus more.
If you would like to assist in the planning of the event there will be a homecoming committee meeting on May 3 at noon and you are invited to attend and learn what’s planned and help create the event.
At last week’s Select Board meeting it was declared that Arbor Week will be the week of May 15.
The town has also applied for federal funding for wastewater treatment equipment and upgrades.
Also, it was announced that the playground on Morton Avenue will incur a major renovation soon.
And it was revealed that Puritan Medical Products has made a $10,000 donation for that renovation. Their donation along with town funds and support from local businesses will pay for the upgrade in equipment and other changes to the playground.
Puritan has also had plans made for the new playground, and the town will review those plans and consider when those plans might be implemented and will be responsible for the project’s budget.
The probable timeline is later this year, or early next.