Buck Off Cancer Event in Orono Jan 22nd
We all hear about sad things in our lives. Not many could say they have not been faced with very difficult news involving friends and family.
Like Cancer.
Buck Off Cancer.
Kami Rivera was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer.
And friends and family and Kami herself are stepping up and hosting a fundraising event called Buck Off Cancer.
First, allow me to share what friend and one of the fundraiser organizers Amy Clark Badger said:
“When someone is in need or hurting, you jump to the occasion! This community is one of the most AMAZING communities out there! So caring! SO generous"
Kami is SO deserving of this love! She’s a beautiful, courageous woman and a SAVAGE fighter!
Here’s Kami
Photos thanks to Closer North.
The event, Buck Off Cancer fundraiser for Kami Rivera is Saturday the 22nd from 1 to 4 p.m. at Penobscot Valley County Club.
Food. Cash Bar. Midnight Rose will be playing. And there is a silent auction.
Amy says:
“It’s just unbelievable how much people have given!”
Some of the items on auction:
- Gift Baskets from Tiller & Rye,
- Gift certificates from Pepino’s, McLaughlin’s Seafood, Suntan City, Fusion HT.
- UMaine Skybox for a hockey game from Mainely Supplements,
- Heat pump from Powell Refrigeration
- Two- cook- in-home chef-designed meals
- A Year golf membership to Penobscot Valley Country Club
- And more.
Tickets are $30 (please either cash or Venmo to @Amy-Badger-1). Here's the event Facebook link
This is where community comes together.
Amy again:
Thank you in advance for being so generous and such wonderful friends! We look forward to helping Kami get through this fight with your help.
Kami shows her personality and courage in these photos. She says:
I'm trying to share my story to raise awareness of breast cancer in younger women and men!! I'm only 37 years old!
I want to share that people need courage to get familiar with their bodies so they too can be proactive in early detection. It's a "love yourself enough to check yourself" message. Not to be afraid to be aware. My early detection is going to save my life
I started the "buck off cancer" team for emmc Champion the cure trail ride about 4 years ago and always tried to help raise money for cancer. Finding myself with cancer this year, I kept the team name to help raise money for my own fight.
We are with you Kami. Community.