It’s a sad day for the Bangor and Orrington communities who are grieving the death of the man in the big red truck, known as the Sandwich man.

Jeff Thoms Lived Large, With a Big Laugh and an Even Bigger Heart 

Jeff Thoms was bigger than life. He was a tall guy who lived and loved large. Big faith, big generosity, and the biggest heart ever. Jeff operated a Fed Ex franchise until he was given a terminal cancer diagnosis. He would tell me later that he spent some time working with the group, Jericho Road, bringing supplies to Bangor's unhoused population, but was frustrated that they were limited in how often they went out. That's when he decided to start delivering sandwiches on a daily basis, a mission that would grow to include fulfilling other needs. Jeff would go into the homeless communities and talk to the residents, ask what they needed, and find a way to get it. It was not unusual to see a post from Jeff on the Orrington Community pages, asking for something like ten pounds of sugar because he had someone willing to make cookies for him to hand out. And when Jeff asked, someone always answered. 

He Loved to Tease and Make Others Laugh

To me, Jeff was a neighbor and a friend. I met him when I was working nights and weekends at Snow’s Corner Store in Orrington. Jeff worked for Garelick Farms and would always pull the milk forward in the cooler when he stopped in on his way home, teasing me that I was slacking in my work. I’d always suggest he finish the job with the rest of the cooler and Jeff would laughingly decline, saying he didn’t want me to be bored. Fronting would give me something to do.  

Jeff Spent His Last Few Years Helping Others, Even As He Battled Cancer

I came to learn more about Jeff once his mission as the Sandwich Man began. I interviewed him for the Townsquare Media Maine Concerns program and met him for breakfast so he could introduce me to two others who had plans to help the unhoused population. As we chatted, I noticed Jeff starting to sweat profusely. It was then that I noticed the chemo pump on his hip. Even as he was undergoing treatment, Jeff was thinking of others and working to help. That’s just who he was. An amazing man with a generous heart who always put others first.   

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While it's heartbreaking that Jeff is gone, those who knew him take comfort in the knowledge that he is at peace. No longer in pain. Our loss is Heaven's gain, because if anyone earned a place in the sky, it's Jeff Thoms. May he rest in peace.  

My sincerest condolences to Jeff’s family and friends. He was one of the best.  

UPDATE: Friends and Family are Invited to a Memorial Service on Saturday

A memorial service for Jeff Thoms is planned for Saturday, February 8th, at Calvary Chapel, beginning at 11 a.m. Calvary Chapel is located at 154 River Road in Orrington. For those who can't be at the service, it will be live-streamed on Jeff's Facebook page.

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