Bangor, Maine News Update: June 17, 2020
The Maine CDC reports 9 new cases of COVID-19 in the state and 44 more people who have recovered. The state's revised reopening plan takes effect today, with more businesses opening up in Southern Maine. Health officials remind residents to continue to wear face coverings and practice social distancing to avoid spreading the virus.
Governor Janet Mills has issued guidelines for town meetings and elections. Municipal meetings should be held in a drive-in format or by separating into smaller groups within a facility. Poll workers for the primary election scheduled for July 14th will wear cloth face coverings and other protective equipment and voters are encouraged to wear face coverings, as well.
The Maine Department of Education has released a draft plan for what the next school year could look like, including social distancing and disinfecting areas students touch frequently. Officials say the year could include some remote learning and will likely include face coverings for teachers and students. The draft is not a set plan, but rather a starting point for discussions about what the academic year will hold.
Maine will receive more than 38 million dollars in federal funding to replace seven bridges across the state. The spans being replaced include the I-95 bridge over Webb Road in Waterville,I-95 bridge over Broadway in Bangor, and the double bridge on Stillwater Avenue in Old Town.
A law that will allow the state to collect information from opioid manufacturers and charge them a fee for doing business in Maine is now in effect. The money will be used to help pay for treatment and recovery programs for people addicted to opioids. Last year, 380 deaths were caused by drug overdose.
Dysart's is currently offering their purpleberry pies, with $15 from every pie sold going to the new dementia project at the Bangor Y. Mary Dysart Hartt's husband, Mike has Alzheimer's and so she developed the blueberry pies with the crunchy crust to help improve the lives of others with dementia. The purpleberry pies will be available until the end of July.
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