Bangor, Maine News Update: January 16, 2018
The cross country ski trails at the Pineland Center in New Gloucester will remain open, despite an attack on a skier by a barred owl. Officials say the owl struck the skiers head, knocking him to the ground,. Center officials say the attacks isn’t unusual and that the owl is probably protecting her mating grounds.
Fire Departments around the state are working with the American Red Cross to install smoke alarms, for free, in the houses of anyone who wants them. It’s all part of the national Home Fire that aims to reduce home fire deaths and injuries by 2020. Anyone in need of smoke alarms can contact their local fire department.
A new law in Switzerland bans cooks from placing live lobsters in boiling water, because they feel it’s cruel. Lobster experts in Maine say the crustaceans don’t actually feel pain but, still, in Switzerland lobsters must now be killed before being cooked. The University of Maine’s Lobster Institute says the ban shouldn’t have a significant impact on Maine’s lobster trade.
The University of Maine system has met its goal of supporting regional food producers by purchasing more than 20 percent of its food locally. The original goal set by the administration was to exceed 20 percent local food by 2020, and they’ve already reached 23 percent.
And anyone interested in the placement of a skate park in Bangor is encouraged to show up at the Mary Snow School gymnasium tonight at 6 for a second public meeting. There are three possible locations for the park that will be discussed, including Broadway Park, Williams Park, and behind the Parks and Rec building on Main Street.