Scope These Crazy Old Pet Sematary Filming Locations
Well, since it's the Halloween season...
I figured what better way to get into the spirit, than to check out some horror movie film spots. The original Pet Sematary came out almost 30 years ago, and let's face it. It was kinda awful. Thankfully, the new version, seems way better. In the OG version, the guy playing Louis Creed had just done and Elvis biopic. It totally ruined his performance for me in every way, hahaha.
The original version also had the most annoying, fake Maine accents too. Judd was the worst. Which was another one of those casting nightmares. Who thought it was a good idea to get Herman Munster to play Judd Crandall?! Like, why would you do that? Some casting director should've lost their job over this movie alone.
There is one suuuuuper annoying thing about this video though...
I'll warn you of one sad thing about this video. It was not shot by someone from Maine, so the constant mispronunciation of Bangor is a bit grating, but I'll overlook it. Haha. Also, I have to be honest, when I started watching the video, I thought it was gonna be pretty boring. But once I got into the depth of discussion the guy gets into, I ended up watching all 11 minutes.
So you know, as you're sitting at your desk, or sitting your car while the kids are running up and down the street grabbing all the candy they can get their hands on, feel free to enjoy this little gem. You'll especially love the part about the Crandall's house. It was kind of a brain buster.
Anyway... Enjoy a little pre-Halloween fun.