Real Men Wear Pink
The 32nd Q106.5 Egg Ride is coming up fast. For those that have pledged, or donated, we thank you. Every dime we raise, collectively, goes directly to Pine Tree Camp so they can do the great work they do for kids and adults with disabilities.
Thanks to Ed and the staff at Workstore on Outer Broadway in Glenburn for stepping up and donating the t-shirts we'll wear over the snowmobile suits. The shirts that'll hold a whole lotta eggs, we're hoping. Every $50 is another egg in all our suits. So we want it to be messy. The messier the better for Pine Tree Camp.
Before the ride leaves the Hungry Hollows 76ers Snowmobile Club in Levant, there's a big benefit breakfast. You're invited to come eat, by donation, between 7 and 9am. Sadly, this year Steve Galen who was such a big participant in that great start to the Egg Ride won't be there. Steve recently passed away at a much too young age. We'll have Steve in our thoughts as we head out, and we'll have Steve on those t-shirts. Pink t-shirts, because as Steve used to say 'Real Men Wear Pink'. R.I.P. Steve, words can't express how much we'll miss you!