Online Company Is Looking To Buy Your Fall Leaves
Hmm, I say. You know what they say about things that sound too good to be true. The company is called cash for leaves and they say they'll pay a buck a leaf that they "approve".
So what constitutes an approved leaf? Well some of the stipulations outlines by the site are:
- No visible imperfections, mold, bugs, tears or excessive decay
- Must be collected & shipped from New England (MA, NH, VT, ME, RI & CT)
- Must be shipped in a sealed plastic bag
- Must be Red, Yellow or Orange (or a combination)
- No Brown leaves (anywhere) are accepted, even the smallest parts with brown will be rejected
They are looking only for leaves from New England and the first step after collecting the leaves you think they will like/buy is to take pictures and send them for approval. Email your pictures to Cash4Leaves@gmail.com. They promise to get back to you within 12 hours. There are also restrictions on their packaging once you are ready to send the leaves. See all the details here.
The leaves are then sold at Ship Foliage. Seriously you can't make this stuff up.
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