Ever Hear of No Pants Day? They Can’t Be Serious. No Way, Right
Actually, yes. It is a thing. National No Pants Day is on the first Friday in May. That is today, May 6.
And we all understand how great it is at the end of the day to change out of your pants into something more comfortable.
But that’s not what the day is about. They are suggesting full on, Feel the breeze and be free on No Pants Day.
Here’s the history of National No Pants Day
The first instance of National No Pants Day is said to have started in Austin, Texas, during the 1980s. A club at the University of Texas named the Knighthood of Buh wanted to celebrate freedom from conforming to society and the end of the semester. After finishing their finals, they pulled their pants down and walked around in their undergarments. Although this began as a college prank, this tradition continued until 2000 when states throughout the United States and in other countries such as Canada, Britain, and Australia, started catching onto this day and participated as well.
Maybe you have heard of a similar day to No Pants Day. There is a No Pants Subway Ride Day in New York City. That started 20 years ago by an improv group who did it to see how other riders would react.
Okay we might as well learn something. The average person in America owns 7 pairs of jeans.
There are 450 million pairs of denim jeans sold every year in the U.S.
A thought just crossed my mind. If you are participating in No Pants Day today, and here’s hoping you actually are not, but if you are, remember clean underwear. And for some guys out there getting dressed right now, put on your newest pair of underwear. Please.
You’ll be glad you did. So will we.