Can Maine’s Implied Warranty Law Really Protect You in a Pinch?
Most purchases have some kind of warranty.
Unless you're like me and forget to fill out the stupid card and send it in, or if it doesn't get registered online in time. There's always a way to get shut out of a warranty. I mean, most manufacturers hope you never cash in on it. Better yet, they hope you're like me and just forget the whole thing.
But sometimes, you just need to return something or get it repaired, or whatever. That's when you're usually going to start getting the runaround from the maker of the product in question. They don't make any money on you the second time and it seems like way too many companies would rather save a buck, than satisfy a customer.
Not here in Maine though, boyo.
In Maine, according to state law, you are also covered by the state's own implied warranty. Got an air conditioner that crapped out on you, but the manufacturer's warranty is two years? Maine will give you an additional two years that the company didn't.
I've seen quite a few threads on Reddit recently about people taking advantage of Maine's implied warranty law. People have gotten all sorts of different things covered, as long as it's 4 years within the purchase of the item. But there are a few exceptions to that rule...
If you're buying a used car for instance, if the paperwork says "as-is", you're out of luck. Things are different for new cars, but I imagine this loophole applies to any purchase you make, where you agree to buy it as-is. But this little known Maine law could save you tons of money.
Oh, one more important piece...
You don't have to purchase these items in a store or just here in Maine. You're protected in purchases you make online as well. Just watch out for any language that contains "as-is". Then you're out of luck...
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