We took a look at the most popular last names in Bangor during the 1800's. Are you a Smith? Brown, Washburn? Here are 99 of the most popular last names in Bangor history.

You may not have a popular name around town now, but in the 1800's it might have been a different story. According to records on Forebears.io the most common last name in the 1800's was Smith, and it still is today! But other than that, a lot of the popular names have changed.

Here are the top 99 most popular last names in Bangor during the 1800's:

  1. Smith
  2. Brown
  3. Jones
  4. Clark
  5. Davis
  6. McCarthy
  7. Burke
  8. Robinson
  9. Sullivan
  10. Lynch
  11. Johnson
  12. Jordan
  13. Gould
  14. Collins
  15. Foster
  16. Griffin
  17. Kelley
  18. Stevens
  19. Crowley
  20. Stewart
  21. Welch
  22. Riley
  23. Mason
  24. Williams
  25. Moran
  26. Moore
  27. Adams
  28. Palmer
  29. Murphy
  30. Wood
  31. Rice
  32. Barker
  33. Page
  34. Snow
  35. Lord
  36. Morrill
  37. Conners
  38. Thompson
  39. Coombs
  40. Chase
  41. Nickerson
  42. Campbell
  43. Merrill
  44. Golden
  45. Rogers
  46. Doherty
  47. Blake
  48. Glynn
  49. Sawyer
  50. Stetson
  51. Shea
  52. Bartlett
  53. Haney
  54. Baker
  55. Casey
  56. Phillips
  57. Filed
  58. Young
  59. McGuire
  60. Howard
  61. Ames
  62. Bailey
  63. Hall
  64. Norton
  65. Patten
  66. White
  67. Taylor
  68. Haskell
  69. Lane
  70. Stone
  71. McDonald
  72. Bean
  73. Savage
  74. Cochran
  75. Sheehan
  76. Leighton
  77. Grant
  78. Russell
  79. O'Leary
  80. Murry
  81. Cushing
  82. Kelly
  83. Pierce
  84. Richardson
  85. Toole
  86. Parker
  87. Fogg
  88. Sulivan
  89. Mooney
  90. Quinn
  91. Cobb
  92. Boynton
  93. Hamlin
  94. Hanson
  95. Allen
  96. Morgan
  97. Duffy
  98. Wilson
  99. Washburn

See full list and other details here. To see the most popular last names in Bangor currently, click here.

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