The North and South will battle once again as the 20th Maine, 15th Alabama and 6th Maine Cannon Battery Civil War Encampment takes over Prospects, Fort Knox.

Friends of Fort Knox
Friends of Fort Knox

Enjoy of a day of time travel as you step back into the days of the Civil War. Visitors to Fort Knox Historic Site will be greeted by the sight of white tents, professional reenactors, and general Civil War life.

The day begins at 10AM with general camp life, living history demonstration, a full North vs South battle in the battery, and cannon firing.

Cannons will be fired by The 6th Maine Cannon Battery every hour on the hour and they are loud! So be prepared, and maybe leave your pets at home. The cannons may be loud but they really add to the Civil War era feel of the Fort. Cannon fire will cease at 4PM Saturday, and after the battle on Sunday.

Civil War weekend will be held at the same time as the Bucksport Bay Festival across the river. Schedule of events can be found here.

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