Christmas Trees Look Pretty Hard To Come By This Year In Maine
I'm not gonna lie.....
I don't have a real Christmas tree. My wife and I loved it the first couple of years we lived together. Then it became like an albatross. We'd argue over who's turn it was to water it. We'd be vacuuming up the quills for months afterward. So one year, after Christmas when trees were super-duper cheap, we took the plunge.
We've never looked back. I imagine in a way, it's like kids. I have nephews I used to love to visit when they were kids, but boy did I love the fact I could give them back. I love going to people's houses with real trees so I can take in all the sights and smells but then go home to my spotless, non-water-guzzling fake tree.
The problem is, are you even going to be able to get a tree this year?
Yup, that's right. There's quite a real issue with shortage this year, for many reasons. Of course, there are the supply chain issues everyone hears and complains about every day right now, but there's also the fact that people may not do as much traveling as a couple of years ago. More people at home equals more real trees being purchased.
In a year that already feels kind of like a Charlie Brown Christmas, it's time to grab whatever tree you can get your hands on, and just show it a little extra love.
Also, back in the recession of 2007-2008, a lot of people skipped buying trees for a few years. So in turn, farmers planted fewer trees, according to WABI. And those trees take several years to develop. So those smaller crops planted a decade ago, are producing smaller yields now, when ironically, the demand is through the roof.
Does this mean we should panic? Of course not. Are you guaranteed to get the best tree you've ever had, though? Maybe not this year. But In a year that already feels kind of like a Charlie Brown Christmas, it's time to grab whatever tree you can get your hands on, and just show it a little extra love. That's all the Peanuts did.....