Throw Back Thursday. It was a year ago, in March 2022, that Bugaboo Creek Restaurant was knocked down. It’s not like you were there recently for dinner, but it is sad to know it is not there any longer. Away it goes. Brick by brick. Scrap metal too.

Scott Miller
Scott Miller

Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse actually closed the Bangor Mall Blvd location in June of 2016. So more than five years ago! But there are many locals who have fond memories of the restaurant.

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And although it would have been great to have some other restaurant or business move into the building allowing all to create new memories, that’s not going to happen.

Scott Miller
Scott Miller

The building has been demolished, and these photos are from this morning. (Monday, March 21.)

Scott Miller
Scott Miller

They are loading up the dumpsters with the leftover materials and trucking everything away.

Scott Miller
Scott Miller

One of the workmen outside the building when asked prior to them knocking the building down weeks ago, when asked what is going to be built on that parcel of land, smiled and with total sincerity, answered

A nice green lawn.

Would you bet for or against that being the final outcome in that high-traffic area of Bangor?

Same friendly workman when asked about a different restaurant or business of another  kind moving into the building said:

The interior is in pretty rough shape.

Scott Miller
Scott Miller

Well, the building is now only a memory.

So I guess an optimist thinks "Who doesn't love grass?"

But here is to some restaurant or business we all want to support starting fresh at 24 Bangor Mall Blvd with a brand new building.

As of March 2023, as predicted it's grass. But not green grass.

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Bye, Bye Bugaboo. You are one of Bangor's Most Missed Restaurants.

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