Being Thankful This Year. Yes, Even This Year
Right it’s not Halloween yet, but let’s talk about Thanksgiving.
It’s about a month away, and I want to clear something up from the Q106.5 Morning Show. Yesterday, I was in Hannaford’s in Brewer after I got off the air, patrolling the aisles looking for something to eat. It’s an odd time to be eating, I know. It’s after breakfast time, and way before lunch time, but for me I get hungry for lunch a couple hours earlier than most people. Anyway, even though I was wearing a hat, my mask, and socially distancing, I was approached by a guy who asked if I was Scott Miller. "Gee, how did you know". He laughed it off, and said he’s a long time listener, but he had a bone to pick with me. He said he heard that I had said we need to not have Thanksgiving this year because of Covid 19.
Of course, I would never say nor think something like that, but I do understand how he might get that impression. In on-air conversation I might have cited a news or internet story about how different Thanksgiving might be, meaning that lots won’t be driving or flying to relative’s houses. Or if they are hosting, those long distanced people probably won’t be making the trip to Maine. But will there be a Thanksgiving, absolutely. Will it include your immediate family and people you already see often, absolutely. Yes, do what you do. Remembering of course to be wise about social distancing, and not going somewhere if you are feeling ill. Pretty straight forward stuff.
At the store, I asked Bob if he was referring to when we were joking about having someone watch the door and take temperatures of all entering. Probably not a bad idea, but practical? No. We said on air, “Sorry Aunt Betty, you can’t come in due to your high temperature, but we’ll take the green bean casserole and send you on your way”.
This year, especially this year, with all that has happened in 2020, and still will happen before Thanksgiving, let’s try to have the best attitude we can have. If we are thankful and positive, for what we do have to be thankful for, here’s hoping it’ll be a great Thanksgiving for all.
Now, on to the food. What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal? I eat turkey almost every week throughout the year, so that’s pretty mundane to me, but maybe it’s your treat.
Or is it the potatoes. Mashed or otherwise.
Mine is the stuffing. I could make an entire meal out of stuffing if it’s good.
Aunt Betty’s green bean casserole do it for you?
By the way, where’s Aunt Betty this year?
Pumpkin pie is one of my favorite pies, maybe that’s your highlight.
No matter what, let’s try to find ways to be thankful for the positives in our life, even in 2020. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours