All The Way to the Moon (Virtually) for Free
Crew members wanted. Actually needed.
Be the First to fly Challenger’s Destination Moon Virtual Mission. Challenger Learning Center of Maine is celebrating this brand new virtual mission and offering this mission for free. F-R-E-E.
The mission is on Thursday April 15th, from 10a.m. until Noon. It’s for students in grades 7 to 9. And students Zoom in, so you’ll need internet access and a laptop or desktop as cell phones don’t work well with the mission software.
Destination Moon. A team of researchers ready to return to the Moon to explore its surface and establish a second habitat for astronauts to live and work. Student teams in Mission Control have a critical job as on this mission something will go wrong and you will have to figure out how to fix the problem, and you’ll be on the clock. A successful mission depends on you.
Space in the program is limited, so if this would be something for your 13 to 15 year old, get registered here. Don’t delay for this free program from Challenger Learning Center of Maine.
All the way to the moon on a day that parents would usually be sweating taxes due. This year’s deadline has been moved to May. So maybe Mom and or Dad can look over Junior’s shoulder at this fascinating program.