WWII Veteran Regains Cap Lost in Brewer with Aviator Wings
Brewer Police are asking for the public's help locating a lost WWII cap that contains the owner's original aviator wings.
UPDATE: Mr. Hendrickson's cap and his aviator wings have been returned to him. Brewer Police thank everyone for helping spread the word, so he could get his belongings back.
Mr. Edward Hendrickson is a member of the greatest generation. He was a BV-80 dive bomber pilot in World War II, attached to the USS Ticonderoga CV-14. One look at this man's face and you can see that he's a sweet man, who's seen a lot in his lifetime. I would imagine that his original aviator wings, which he's kept safe since the war, are among his most treasured possessions. Unfortunately, they're now lost.
On July 6, Mr. Hendrickson was in the area of the Bedworks and More store, in the Twin City Plaza on State Street in Brewer, when he lost his cap. On that cap (pictured here) are his original aviator wings, positioned near the top. Also on that hat are an American flag pin and a pin of a BV-80 airplane.
Obviously, the hat can be replaced, and likely the flag and airplane pins. But the aviator wings have sentimental value, as they were the original wings issued to him, that he wore on his uniform during the war.
Please share this post and help us spread the word. Maybe someone has found the cap but doesn't know how to return it. Or perhaps someone who reads this post will come across the cap and take it to the police station. Anyone with information about the whereabouts of the cap is encouraged to call the Brewer Police Department at 989-7001.
Mr. Hendrickson, thank you for your service to our country. We sincerely hope you get your cap and your wings back.