We’re Giving Away Tickets To See Keith Urban in Bangor
We here at Q106.5 are excited to welcome Keith Urban back to Bangor on Saturday, July 23, 2022.
Because we are Maine's country concert connection, we like to reward our loyal listeners with free tickets to the best country shows in the state. It's hard to say how many tickets we've given away over the 30+ years we've been on the air, but suffice it to say, it's a whole lot -- and that means a whole lot of happy listeners!
Here's what to do if you want tickets to the show. First, if you're reading this on the app, just enter code words below. We'll be announcing words at 8:20 AM, 12:20 PM, and 4:20 PM weekdays from Dec. 2 to Dec. 8. (Plus, if you enter the bonus code on Dec. 1, that gives you another chance to win.)
Otherwise, you need to make sure you download our app as that is the only place you can enter the contest. Once you've downloaded it, be sure to find the button in the very center black bar on the main page titled "Win Kieth Urban."
Good luck. We'll see you at the show!