Voters, on Tuesday, approved both statewide questions and elected Lewiston's first Somali-American to the City Council.

Both statewide measures passed with 76% of the votes, according to the BDN. The bond question will use $105,000,000 to make improvements to roads, bridges, railroads, and other transportation investments, and will be used to match an estimated $137,000,000 in federal and other funds. Question 2 will allow a Constitutional amendment, to permit people with disabilities to sign petitions in an alternate fashion, as authorized by the Legislature.

Bangor voters have approved spending $6 million on improvements to City Hall. The building hasn't been renovated in several decades, and is not accessible for people with disabilities. Elected to the Bangor City Council are Daniel Tremble, Angela Okafor, Richard Fournier, and Susan Hawes.

Lewiston has its first Somali-American City Councilor. Safiya Khalid, 23, is also the youngest person to hold a seat on the council. She won with nearly 70% of the votes.

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