Tuesday Is The First Day Of Autumn
First day of Fall is tomorrow. So although it’s been years since the first day of Summer, it sure did fly by. With all that has gone on this summer, and continues to go on, it’s hard to believe it’ll be behind us tomorrow. Not the weird stuff behind us unfortunately. Summer is over. Done. See ya next year.
Fall is not my favorite season. It sure was when I lived in Florida, because it was the signal that the oppressive heat of summer would soon behind us, and the days would be Sunny and 75 with no humidity. A wonderful time of the year. But I live in Maine and fall signals cooler temperatures with colder temperature to come. Much colder. And the real reason I don’t like Fall is because like life it taps me on the shoulder, reminding me “I’m getting older”. I’m in the fall of my life. Ooh, that stings. Ha ha.
Let’s focus on the positives of fall. Oh those leaves. Nothing like a drive in the country in the coming weeks and the range of colors will be so dazzling. The air is so fresh. Especially first thing in the morning. Big inhale and exhale and you feel alive. Ready to face the day. Another positive of fall is Halloween. Not the dressing up in costumes part, or kids coming to the door. I mean the bags of Halloween candy we all buy, for ourselves. And then in November, Thanksgiving. A favorite holiday because it’s all about family. And being thankful for our blessings.
Happy Fall.