POLL: When Available, Should COVID-19 Vaccinations Be Mandatory?
When a vaccine becomes available, should you be legally required to take it?
Literally billions of dollars are being sunk into research and the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. People much smarter than you and I are working in laboratories all around the world and around the clock. God willing, a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus will become available within a year. Sooner, according to the President.
So, what are your plans?
According to Law.com, a New York State Bar Association task-force that released a report back in May, say that “for the sake of public health, mandatory vaccinations for COVID-19 should be required in the United States as soon as it is available.”
To some, there is absolutely no question that they will right there, first in line to be inoculated. It's been a long road of the loss of life, worry, unemployment, self-quarantine, and face mask wearing.
To others, this seems a little rash. "Let's see how it goes", they'll say.
The New York State Bar Association task-force group went on to say that when a vaccine becomes available it should be mandatory for everyone to take it, "including those who won’t want it for “religious, philosophical or personal reasons.”
According to the report, the only exemption to a mandatory vaccination would stem from a medical concern, and have to be verified by one's doctor.
The report called for legislation to be enacted.
For the past 20 years or so, we've listened to our friends and co-workers voice the pros and cons of getting a yearly flu shot. We're sure that with more ferocity, the same sort of concerns will be raised when a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available. Which it will.