Orrington Old Home Week Starts Saturday With Route 15 Parade
Orrington's annual Old Home Days Celebration will kick off Saturday with a parade that will temporarily tie up busy Route 15.
I'm very honored this year that town officials have asked me to do the announcing for the parade that happens every 5 years in the town where I live. A native of Brewer, I made Orrington my adopted hometown seven years ago, after working at a local store for six years and falling in love with the community. The last time Orrington held the parade, my now-husband and I participated with our dog, Pernicus. This year, I'll be at the reviewing stand at Snow's Corner.
The parade will start at 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 14th, from the Old Payne Gardens and will wind down Route 15, where it will break up at Calvary Chapel. For the duration of the parade, traffic will be detoured onto Elm Street in Brewer and around the parade route so, anyone with plans to travel through Orrington that day will want to allow for some extra time. Organizations interested in taking part in the parade should reach out to the committee through their Facebook page.
Orrington's Old Home Week involves much more than just the parade, however, including the very popular Endless Yard Sale, where lawn sales are held all over town and maps are made available to find them all. There's a historical encampment, charity golf tournament, the SEDGEunkeDUCK regatta and barbecue, and much more. Find a complete schedule of events at the Orrington Old Home Week website and come join us for a week full of community fun.