Most Mainer Thing You Can Do This Weekend? The Moxie Festival!!
Where do I even begin? I mean, I think I can safely say, there are two kinds of Mainers. Those who drink Moxie, and those who don't. The debate has probably ruined friendships, marriages, and families alike. Personally, I believe that if you call yourself a true born and bred resident of this state, you have to, at the very least, have a deep respect and reverence for Moxie. If you say you hate it, then go back to Massachusetts, chummy. We don't have time for naysayers.
I had a friend who hated it. I should mention, by the way, that we are not friends anymore. He used to say that Moxie tasted like Coca Cola with cigarette ashes in it. Or like a Jack and Coke that was left out at a party and filled with doused out Marlboros. Like I said, we're not friends anymore. Wherever that guy is, I hope he's enjoying his sad, pathetic, Moxie-less life.
Now that you can plainly see which side of this road I drive on, I am thrilled to remind you that the annual Moxie Festival is being held this weekend in Lisbon, Maine! A full 3 days of nothing but celebrating the most wonderful soda pop ever to grace these lips. Since 1982, people from all over the state, country, and world, have been gathering annually, showing their love and dedication to the bizarro concoction.
There's all sorts of different things happening at the festival that will entertain the whole family. Such as a Moxie recipe contest, a Touch-A-Truck event, fireworks, and more! Plus food vendors, a parade, and a petting zoo! Definitely go to the Moxie Festival website for all the details, because they are numerous. There will be so many things to check out over the course of the three day event.
In the meantime, while you're counting the few days left until you get to go and spin around in circles celebrating your love of this delicious drink, you should probably go grab a six pack of Moxie to get yourself in the spirit. It's like the way my wife celebrates her birthday for the entire month. I mean, you really can't limit this kind of love to just one day now, can you?