I was so excited to see Creepshow 2 when it came out.

It was all the buzz around here. It was hot local news that they'd be filming parts of the movie in the Bangor area. I remember I was at a friend's birthday party, and they were filming some scenes in the woods out behind his house. We snuck out there and hid way off in the distance and watched them. I don't know what was so cool... Watching the movie being filmed, or just simply getting away with it.

Woodland camouflage painted on woman a face - army concept

On the other hand, when the movie came out, it seemed a bit baffling if you live around here. You always know that Hollywood is going to have its way with things and manipulate situations however they need to, but you're not always ready for it when it's someplace you are wildly familiar with.

If you were a local, continuity was a bit iffy at points.

If you don't live in the area, you'd never question where the cars were headed in various scenes. I always thought traffic in movies was just sort of an afterthought. Never did I really think about how they'd need to control it for whatever reason. For instance, they go back and forth a couple times in areas that don't make sense.

Google Street View
Google Street View

Or in one scene, the main character takes a left turn onto State Street from Harlow Street, away from State Street hill, towards West Market Square. Which if you live in Bangor, you know that you just simply can't do because it's a one way street. You'd cause the mother of all accidents.

Google Street View
Google Street View

The whole thing seemed like it was filmed in a five mile radius.

I think the film makers definitely got their money's worth out of using some closed exits off of Interstate 395. At that point, I believe the extension was still under construction and the was no worry of oncoming traffic or needing to shut anything down. So there was a whole lot of back and forth in there. But hey... you gotta do, what you gotta do when making a movie.

Video, movie, cinema concept. Retro camera, flash, clapperboard

Scope the whole section of the movie right here on YouTube. It's age restricted and you'll need to sign in to watch it, but it's awesome and worth it.

I can't say Creepshow 2 aged really well, but it's not bad. By today's standards of horror films, it's pretty mild. But for us locals, it's a total mind bender seeing old stores like The Bagel Shop and The Grasshopper Shop. Both locations are still active businesses, but also long gone from Bangor's shopping days. So enjoy this little stroll full of Bangor landmarks...

Can You Spot All the Bangor Maine Landmarks in Creepshow 2?

So may locations were used, maybe even overused, in Creepshow 2.

Gallery Credit: Jason Stewart

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