While some people are completely unaffected by their significant other cheating (maybe they were looking for a reason to kick the person to the curb), most people end up with at least some level of emotional damage.

Even though most of the jilted lover's anger is going to end up being directed at the (ex) significant other, we need to remember that it does take "two to tango".

So, is there anything you can do to get back at the other party in the cheating relationship?  The answer is no, right?  Well, actually....

According to the Sodoma Law website, there are some places where you can sue the person who your spouse cheated with.

Radu Florin / Unsplash
Radu Florin / Unsplash

What Is Alienation Of Affection

According to the website, there is such a thing as "alienation of affection".  Basically, that is when a person who was cheated on sues the person who their spouse cheated with under by claiming that they were denied "affection" because their spouse was busy showing *ahem* affection to the other person.

Get all that?

Not a big surprise, it is not as easy as walking into the courtroom and saying that you are angry that the third party messed up your perfect marriage.

In order to file for it, though, some criteria must be met.  According to the website, the following three things must be proven:


  • The person and their spouse were married and a genuine love and affection existed between them

  • The love and affection was alienated and destroyed

  • The wrongful and malicious acts of the third party alienated the affection of plaintiff’s spouse.


The fact that these are largely based on emotion, it sounds like it would be a real chore to find concrete evidence of these facts.  Unless, of course, you were able to convince you spouse (ex-spouse) to side with you and offer up testimony.

One of the other things to consider with this type of lawsuit is who you are suing.  Since the person your spouse cheated with is the person who will pay, you're going to want to make sure that person actually has money.  Not to be crude, but you cannot get blood from a stone.


Where Can You Sue For This?

There are only a handful of states where you can sue for Alienation of Affection and Maine is not one of those states.

According to Forbes, the only states where you can sue for this are Hawaii, Utah, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, and South Dakota.

If it was legal where you live, would you ever sue for it?  Is it even worth it?  Let us know what you think.  Just message us through our app.

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These characters were created so long ago that their original texts are now in the public domain and no longer protected by copyright.

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