How To Find Out If You Were Selected For A Moose Permit
The moose lottery drawing is this weekend. If you can't make it to the festivities, here's how to find out if you were picked.
Saturday, June 11, in the town of Jackman, the names of winning applicants were drawn for moose hunting permits. Those drawn have the privilege to hunt for moose this season.
The names of those picked are posted online on the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website. According to IFW, "Each successful applicant will be notified by mail and email within a few weeks of the drawing."

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A total of 3,530 permits were be issued this year. 550 cow permits were issued for the Adaptive Unit Moose Hunt.
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Far from the hustle and bustle of southern Maine, many miles further up I-95 from what flatlanders call "Northern Maine," is Aroostook County. It's a unique part of Maine, that at times, can feel like a whole different state. Here are 10 things that make Aroostook Country unlike anywhere else in Maine.
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