As I watched a hilarious video that Nelson posted about a father's toilet paper replacement instructional video for his kids, I thought about how I taught my kids this important lesson. I had a little help from Helen Hunt's character in 'Mad About You.'

Raising a house full of males, I learned to dread the trips to the bathroom. Usually, the seat was up. And if it was down, well, let's just say I wiped it off before sitting. Then there's the 'aim' issue. And, of course, the toilet paper. I don't want to sound sexist, but men in general don't think to replace the roll when it's at an end.

So, when my kids were younger and I found, yet again, an empty toilet paper roll, I remembered one of my favorite bits from the show 'Mad About You.' I used to love this show and, even now, will sometimes find it on YouTube to watch.

Jaime Buchman had the best method, in my opinion, for getting the message across. Although, she didn't seem to do a very good job with Paul! She got about the same reaction I did...except my kids then burst out laughing and asked if I was feeling okay. One of my sons mentioned it just recently, telling his girlfriend the story, so I guess it was memorable!


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