How Do Mainers Feel About an Early Winter This Year?
It might sound like a wild concept, but hey, history has its quirks, and September snow has happened before.
Now, before you pack away your flip-flops and break out the heavy coats, let's be clear: the odds of an impromptu snowball fight are slim. But it's like that surprise guest at a party - unlikely, but hey, you never know.
We went to Facebook, and boy, did Bangor serve up a weather buffet of opinions. Let's take a peek at the forecast of feelings:
Feleshia H isn’t ready to let go of the summer concert weather:
“As long as it doesn't snow before the Shinedown concert, I'm okay with that.”
Caryn R, the snow enthusiast, agrees with Feleshia:
“I love snow, but maybe wait until the day after the concert, lol.”
Matt L, the practical one, already has his shovel game face on:
“If the wet weather continues like we had, better sharpen the shovel.”
David K is eying the snow for a different reason:
“Would love some snow to hunt on this fall, bring it!!”
Marion R has a heartfelt plea:
“Let us have a fall season first.”
Daisy W reminds us of our Pine Tree roots:
“We will get through this like we always do; we are tough Mainers.”
Leslie M drops a truth bomb:
“If it snows as much as it has rained this summer, we will be buried until next May!”
Laurel M's got a point:
“Halloween candy in stores already, why not snow?”
Kim B throws back to the past:
“It snowed on Halloween just a few years ago. My oldest grandson made a mini snowman on our deck that day.”
Robert L W is optimistic:
“We've also had temps of over 90° in September.”
Cleighton C adds a dash of the unexpected:
“We could see aliens also, who knows…”
Bonnie C keeps it real:
“And I could be 5'9", but I'm not.”
Brian G sums up a common sentiment:
“Still waiting for summer to show up.”
Tony M leaves room for possibilities:
“And maybe we won't...there's always that 'could' opportunity, lol.”
Peggy B is ready to tackle winter prep:
“Guess I had better be getting my A/C covered for the winter. I have already trimmed some tree limbs in order to try to help from snow weight bringing limbs on power lines.”
Darlene D rejoices in relief:
“Well, at least the rain will cease.”
Cathy R revels in the silver lining:
“Good! No bugs!!!”
John B. P casts his vote against early snow:
“I Vote 'NO' for snow as early as Next Month.”
Mike M is not having it:
“Pumpkin spice talk in August, now we gotta hear about snow… give it a break! Lol”
Justin N puts it all out there:
“I hope we have snow every other day. It could start next week, and I’d be happy.”
Debi B sums up our collective numbness:
“Nothing surprises me anymore.”
Peggy D B brings the real talk:
“Enough with the dirty four-letter words (snow, cold...)”
Cathy K is all about timing:
“Not until after hunting season, I hope.”
Kelly W provides a nature update:
“Our maple tree is already changing color and dropping leaves.”
Chris R's apathy is palpable:
Mike C skips right to December:
“Bring it. Is it too early for the Christmas tree?”
Ari M is just not ready:
“I will actually cry.”
Jeremy M goes into defense mode:
“BITE YOUR TONGUE!! It's too early to even think about winter.”
Heather G taps into Maine's memory:
“I remember plenty of Halloweens we wore snowsuits under our costumes. It is Maine, nothing new.”
Vicki S ain’t laughing:
“Now this is NOT FUNNY!!”
So, what's the verdict on an early winter? To quote Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, “So mixed, let's call it mixed reviews.” Maine, you've got your layers of thoughts, and Mother Nature is keeping us on our toes. Whether you're dreaming of snow angels or sunbathing, one thing's for sure: Maine always knows how to keep it interesting.
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